The pony hidden in slavery is the fact that it was the ticket to America for black people. I have long urged blacks to consider their presence here as the work of God, who wanted to bring them to this raw, new country and used slavery to achieve it. A harsh life, to be sure, but many immigrants suffered hardships and indignations as indentured servants. Their descendants rose above it. You don’t hear them bemoaning their forebears’ life the way some blacks can’t rise above the fact theirs were slaves.
Adele Ferguson
The hidden pony, priceless... but this is a sentiment that I as well as many other "unthankful" blacks have heard time and time again. "its not my fault" or "get over it" or as one of my Ronald Reagan loving past professors put it "When is it enough?" (and yes I did set it off in class that day). An interesting aside both my professor and adele have an affinity for Ronald Reagan (HMMMM.....). Anyways what we are faced with is the continual attack on the Cultural Fitness of the African American from all fronts wither it be in academics (ala my Ronald Reagan obsessed prof) or the mass media or any other information source. Its continued "full court press" on our status allows for the type of environment which we have before us today. One which allows these malicious attacks on our Cultural Identity to go on with impunity.
Adele Ferguson
The hidden pony, priceless... but this is a sentiment that I as well as many other "unthankful" blacks have heard time and time again. "its not my fault" or "get over it" or as one of my Ronald Reagan loving past professors put it "When is it enough?" (and yes I did set it off in class that day). An interesting aside both my professor and adele have an affinity for Ronald Reagan (HMMMM.....). Anyways what we are faced with is the continual attack on the Cultural Fitness of the African American from all fronts wither it be in academics (ala my Ronald Reagan obsessed prof) or the mass media or any other information source. Its continued "full court press" on our status allows for the type of environment which we have before us today. One which allows these malicious attacks on our Cultural Identity to go on with impunity.
The lack of empathy that many Whites display is both a sociological and a psychological problem. It is the indifference to human suffering that allows ordinary people to engage in extraordinary acts of violence. It is the lack of empathy that allows people to sit by and blame people for their suffering.
This is the same lack of empathy that allows people like Neal Boortz to call a Congress Woman a "Ghetto Slut" on a broadcast radio show. The same lack of empathy that allows people like Michelle Malkin to Post images dipicting "The Race Card". Like black folks made up 400 years of oppression to simply have it cast aside in the terms of Ms. Ferguson "A harsh life, to be sure, but many immigrants suffered hardships and indignations as indentured servants. Their descendants rose above it." The communal well of condescending thought runs so deep among "these people" one is left to wonder, what do they really think about us?
props to the blogs, holding it down...
Blaxplantion, Blackademic (dont throw that laptop!), TBLJ, Horses Ass, Rachels Tavern
"Dont worry be happy"