AfroerotiK stories


Help me show publishers that people are interested in my book. I need to be able to show publishers that people are interested in my erotic stories, the reasons why, and that they would purchase a book of erotica WITH PHOTOGRAPHY. They want to know that I really do have white readers, male readers, literate readers, and readers who would purchase a book that shows Black, interracial and GBLT stories in the same book. They need proof that what I have is a product that people really want. If you could take five minutes of your time and send an email to stating that you are interested in AfroerotiK stories, why you are, and that you are anxious for the release of the book I would be so appreciative. I need as many emails as possible to forward to publishers. Every email will help me secure a book deal. My erotic stories are healing, transformative, and arousing. If you appreciate what I've done, if you enjoy my stories, if you are interested in reading my very best erotic work that hasn't been seen by the public before, if you want to help me move to the next level, wont you please consider writing an e-mail that shows your support.

Thank you.
Scottie hit me up on my MYSPACE joint so I had to throw out the assist. While I for one am looking for ways to self-actualize/self-substantiate, I do feel that it is extremely necessary for US (blackfolk) to frame/re-frame the sexuality of our culture by way of any venue possible. "Baby got back" and "Mandingo" leave much to the imagination and for the most part lump all of the possibilities within the sphere of sexuality (specifically afroeroticism) into some of the most rudimentary and banally elementary themes (centered specifically around physical qualities and how much ass you can tap).
Part of the reconstruction of the Afro-Psyche is creating eroticism based on our own thoughts and our own impressions, its about sharing what we explore, what we feel, how we love, and these all need to be developed organically.
White people have defined sexuality within "western civilization" to the extent that we concede everything to their connotations of normality/ deviance etc. If your purpose in the literary field is about expanding the erotic horizons (or any horizon for that matter) then it would seem that the truly avant-garde vehicle is one that explores visions outside of their own familiarity.