RO-MAN 06: The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication
6-8 September 2006University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom
Theme: Getting to Know Socially Intelligent Robots
Human-Robot Interaction and Communication is a quickly growing research area at the intersection of research fields such as robotics, engineering, psychology, ethology and cognitive science. Significant initiatives are currently underway funded by public, academic, governmental as well as industrial initiatives, exploring and aiming at advancing this research field and opening up novel and challenging applications. Robots moving out of laboratory and manufacturing environments face hard problems of perception, action and cognition. For robots to be accepted as assistants or companions in people's private homes and everyday environments technological solutions do not suffice: The `human in the loop', as the potential customer and user will decide on the ultimate success of a `home robot' as a product. Application areas that heavily involve human contact are a particularly challenging domain.

Ubicomp 2006, the Eighth International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing, will be held in Orange County, California, September 17-21, 2006, hosted by the University of California, Irvine. Ubicomp is the premier international forum for research in ubiquitous computing, bringing together designers, computer scientists, social scientists, and artists, to discuss recent developments and future advance.

ADAPT 2006 ConferenceMontreal, Quebec CanadaSaturday, September 23 - Sunday, September 24, 2006
The ADAPT 2006 Conference will allow concept artists, modelers, riggers, animators and the like an opportunity to expand their capabilities and stimulate innovation by exposing them to the latest and most advanced digital art techniques used by the most acclaimed artists from Montreal to Hollywood and around the world.