Ok I’ve been working on a level of communication with you the reader, and for the most part I think you can see my process, so from now on I'm just gonna run with it, newbies bear with me.
Industry- Industry in the second sense became a key sector of production in European and North American countries during the Industrial Revolution, which upset previous mercantile and feudal economies through many successive rapid advances in technology, such as the development of steam engines, power looms, and advances in large scale steel and coal production. Industrial countries then assumed a capitalist economic policy. Railroads and steam-powered ships began speedily integrating previously impossibly-distant world markets, enabling private companies to develop to then-unheard of size and wealth.
Complex- In psychology a complex is generally an important group of unconscious associations, or a strong unconscious impulse lying behind an individual's otherwise mysterious condition: the detail varies widely from theory to theory. The term "complex" was coined by Carl Jung when he was still a follower of Sigmund Freud. He described them as being 'nodes' in the unconscious. If a trauma from childhood, say, is still affecting a patient, then the behaviours, thoughts, and dreams of the individual could well still be under the influence of a complex developed in their formative years. The term complex system formally refers to a system of many parts which are coupled in a nonlinear fashion. Because they are nonlinear, complex systems are more than the sum of their parts because a linear system is subject to the principle of superposition, and hence is literally the sum of its parts, while a nonlinear system is not.
Just some basics, definitions so we can all agree on what it is we are talking about. Ok you can probably see where this is going, and while not to make this a white supremacy diatribe etc, etc. We can assume from the DEFINITIONS that Industry is linked with Europeans and North Americans (White), and Complexity could be described as a system or thought process in relation to the individual or institution. Taken farther, one could assume that the term industrial complex relates to a system/methodology where its facilitators have induced a condition which perpetuates this complex (mental and physical) in every form of people activity among those in contact with the system. In the intel world they call it the “floating box” it’s a surveillance technique where your entire environment is constructed and manipulated by those who wish to enforce some type of control. You become a “Project” the subject of intense scrutiny and the best way to control this project is through modeling. A controlled experiment in which all of the inputs and outputs are tested to ensure maximum affectivity. We will take a look at modeling from an old favorite IBM.
Modeling can be an effective way to manage the complexity of software development. It enables communication, design and assessment of requirements, architectures, software and systems. In spite of these virtues, mainstream software development has yet to take advantage of modeling in everyday practice. This white paper examines how modeling provides not only visual but also textual content, and why the combination is important. It also explains how to model throughout the various phases of the software development life cycle and what modeling types are appropriate for each phase. Although the focus will be on modeling as a discipline in itself, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) will be used as the common means for expressing the models.
The Value of Modeling
An IBM technical discussion of software modeling
June 2004
An IBM technical discussion of software modeling
June 2004
I’ll leave the white paper thing alone (for now), what I do want to point out is that when you look at systems it’s very easy to understand the commonality of effects regardless of the situation. Meaning wither you are building a computer software program, or a social control program, the system follows a set of basic principles. This is where we see the effects of modeling in relation to the complex (mental). The construct has been manipulated to a point where any attempt to define or react to controls are deemed as deviations from the norm, extreme, or radical. The Focus Group is conditioned both consciously and unconsciously into a state of blindness. So how do we lift the veil that is set into place to eliminate the logical assumptions, first you must learn the language of the system, its process, its method.
This process of logically questioning what is commonly accepted can be used to help a non-white person ensure that they aren’t confused about exactly what is actually happening. Although this piece of counter-racist codification may appear to be “simplistic” overall, it is effective enough to help the user remain focused on exactly what the problem is, and the best way to go about solving it without mistreating anyone. While existing in a system of Racism/White Supremacy, the only way a victim of- racism (a non-white person) can be 100% certain that a White person is NOT a Racist/White Supremacist is by the destruction of the system of Racism/White Supremacy altogether. Until this takes place, there is no way a victim can be absolutely certain that a White Person is or is not a Racist/White Supremacist. Moreover, the chief weapon of a Racist/White Supremacist is deception via the use of language. Therefore, it can be dangerous for a victim-of-Racism to accept any other evidence that a White person is or is-not a Racist/White Supremacist other than the replacement of the system of Racism/White Supremacy, preferably with the system of Justice.
A Counter-Racist review of what Racism/White
Supremacy is and how it works.
By Winston Wolfe
Supremacy is and how it works.
By Winston Wolfe
Now that we can see the system emplaced around us, how do we orchestrate change within a system that was created to administer control in all forms of people interaction? How do we change the structure, redesign the industrial architecture to relieve the stress imposed upon those previously classified as subjects. How do we reboot a complex system that is continuously refined in rhizomatic fashion, can we reboot a complex system of this nature without the total destruction of one or more participants in the game? Who’s gonna take the weight?
An institution may be represented as one of a number of possible conventional equilibria in which members of a population typically act in ways that are best responses to the actions taken by others and have formed expectations that support continued adherence to these conventional actions. Examples include simple principles of division such as "finders keepers" or "first come first served," as well as more complicated principles of allocation such as the variety of rules which have governed the exchange of goods or the division of the products of one's labor over the course of human evolution. Because a convention is one of many possible mutual best responses defined by the underlying game, institutions are not environmentally determined, but rather are of human construction (but not necessarily of deliberate design). Thus it is of some interest to ask which of these will obtain, and why one convention might in the course of time be eclipsed by another. Game theorists refer to this as the problem of equilibrium selection; historians call it the problem of structural change, institutional innovation, or (in some settings) social revolution.
Samuel Bowles
Samuel Bowles
Santa Fe Institute and the
University of Massachusetts
July 7, 2001
University of Massachusetts
July 7, 2001
This if anything was an attempt at creating a dialogue about systems thinking and its application in society (especially for black folks). It was a peek into constructive realism and the need to be aware of environments that occupy the space around us. Finally it is a question that I present to all of you; How do we cure the “Industrial Complex”?
Inquiring minds want to know…
Related links:
Santa Fe Institute
IBM Systems Journal
General Systems Theory
Art of War Strategy cards