When I compare sports to legal slavery I do so on a very MACRO level. I involve the entire system, educational (or lack there of), social (exploitation), and the overall mentality of a select few men who as a hobby and an over abundance of cash can affect the hopes and dreams of so many black people. It starts off with the field negro mentality, the owners aquire the best bucks to tend the farm (in this case the court/gridiron). Now these cats are making mad loot no doubt, but the money does not free you from the confines of culturally imposed and enforced codes that exist in our land today. Ask Stephan Mabury, ask Allen Iverson, ask any nigga playin hoops,who he works for. What I really love is the fact that these owners can pay these cats 100mil, and we call the player greedy, hell if i can afford to throw some ghetto ass kid who cant read a hundred mil for six years to shoot the rock, how much money am I really making. And have you ever been to a combine, that shit looks like something straight outta Amistad, cats walking around damn near naked while all these white cats are preparing to pick who they gonna put on their plantations (opps I mean teams). Now All of these kids coulda done something else for a living, and looking like you at a slave auction maybe part of the territory, but if you view all the drafts in sports, its like they have commercialized the slave trade, and these kids whose only "opportunity" in life is to play hoops, for organizations that could give 2 shits about your beliefs, your culture, and will sell your ass to a new master the moment your production falls off. And dont get uppity with master or hell get his media buddies to really put a slant (anti nigger machine) on your funky/cocky/ungrateful nigger attitude. I could go on and on especially with the whole farm system, it starts in high school, kids place a premium on being the spectacle the icon (thats some ol roman gladiator left over pimpin) instead of learing, and why, cause master will pay you good money to shoot that ball, but if you can read and write well, we all know what that will get you. So we end up with a million baby jordans, baby T.O.'s just lookin for the chance to shake they ass every time they make a basket or, get a first down. Just watch how the owners sit up in they box and laugh at they coons as they do the jig. Slavery is anything that MAKES YOU FEEL as if you cant do nothing more than that to succeed in life. Thats your role, thats what you're here for. I 'll bet if you took all of the atheletes of color out of the who's who of money that list would fall the fuck off (as far as "minority" representation goes). Now dont get me wrong I love hoops, football, and baseball (if they got a black player), but the message that society gives in the case of the NBA, NFL, and all the other sport is that niggas aint good for nothing but entertainment purposes. So in the end the slave mentality manifests in several ways: 1 we cant even see how massa sells us on tv and makes a big ass production outta being the first nigga picked to shake his ass, and drink sprite. 2 More and more of our people see this as a means for ESCAPING the plight of the kneegro, having a 50 mil dollar house aint gonna make white folks treat you no better, especially when the boss has a 500mil dollar stadium you play in as a hobby. 3 if I can keep niggas out real shit like math, science, writing I will always be the boss. Remember when niggas wasnt allowed to read? The concept has been supplanted by the need to play sports, if all my people wanna play hoops and rap/sing/dance, who gonna lead us to the promise land? Chris Rock made an excellent comment when he said books is like KRYPTONITE to a nigga, and I'm sure there are a bunch of owners/masters who are just fine with that...
They ask you to wear suits, they dont like your tattoo's, no dancing, every thing you do they have a counter for. Just play the game, and keep the distractions to a minimum... Just keep making me that loot boy. And every year they look for that new improved, well "packaged" kneegrow that six millon dollar man, faster, better, stronger, kneegrow. And you have kneegrow's who try to rationalize this practice as an opportunity, and that just what it is, an opportunity to serve the M/F.
"we can rebuild him"